This is the season for...guests!

Christmas, as well as the various name days, means that we will have enough visitors for next month. Let's prepare our home properly with the following list by hand.

1. Declutter

Surely there must be a lot of things that have piled up in your house over the last months. However before the onslaught of gifts from Christmas enter the house, take some time to clear out anything that you no longer need.

2. Stock the freezer

Last minute entertaining is always going to be part of the festive season. Make your life easier by stocking up the freezer with a few baked goods (e.g cheese pies, spinach pies and so on), and a few BBQ-friendly meats. Bread also freezes well so throw some rolls in for any last minute guests.

3. Take care of the garden

With summer taking hold, our garden was starting to look a bit neglected. Everything needed a good water and there were plenty of weeds that were getting out of control. Get the kids involved by having them water plants, pull weeds, collect leaves, rake and sweep. If you don’t have much time, focus on the entry area. Sweep the entrance, pull out any weeds and brush off the door mat.

4. Pay special attention to the bathroom

With visitors coming and going the bathrooms are generally the first areas that need a once over. Do a two-minute speed clean each evening and you’ll been ready for the busy month ahead.

5. Schedule in big jobs

 If you’ve been putting off some big jobs during the year, schedule them in now before the craziness begins. For example, you can have your carpets and lounge cleaned! Make a list of anything that needs doing before the Christmas events start and schedule it in.

6. Prepare the dinner setting

If you are expecting visitors over the festive season then now is a good time to iron any tablecloths, check you’ve got enough glasses, pull out the good dinner set (and give it a dust!) and prepare any other entertaining supplies that you might need.

7. Delegate

The festive season is a time for everyone to get a break and have some time out. That includes YOU! I make a list of everything that needs doing in the lead up to the holidays and then delegate tasks. There are many things kids can do to help around the house and now is the perfect time.

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