September: Back to School

17 September 2014
Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring! School’s back in session! The hallways and the school yards are overflowing with students ready to start off the new school year. But, returning to school isn’t always a happy experience. Most kids are super excited to see all their friends and meet their new teachers, but some are terrified at the thought! What can we do as parents to ease their transition?
  • Talk with your kids. Ask them why they are afraid to go to school, what they don’t like about it and what they are trying to avoid. But be sure to not criticize them or frighten them while speaking with them. Make sure you are not overloading them with too much responsibility, or making them feel insecure or guilty, as this could be a reason why they don’t enjoy school. Try to speak gently to them about all the positive things they have to look forward to at school, like seeing their old friends, again, and their new classroom, meeting their new teacher, learning new and exciting things, and enjoying their awesome new school clothes and supplies. Growing up is a fun, amazing, and at times painful, experience. 


  • Make your children’s back to school experience more colorful and enjoyable. When you take your kids to get school supplies, let them pick out their own stuff. After all, they are the ones who will be using them!


  • Give your children’s old, too small clothes away, and buy new school clothes together! This is a great way to get your kids excited about school. When a child has a say in the clothes they wear, they are bound to like them more and be excited to wear them. Besides, you’re more likely to get the right size if you can get them to try everything on first!


  • Get your kids’ input on their schedule. Ask them what activities they’d like to participate in this year. Do they want to do swimming, tennis, a foreign language, cooking, arts and crafts? Make sure you offer activities that you and your children can do together, or which they can do with their new friends and that encourage them to be active and social.
At METRO you’ll find loads of top-notch school supplies for the new school year, all at a price that won’t break the bank.
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