Easy DIY Gift Wrapping Ideas with a Personal Touch

The big day is just around the corner, which means it is time to get your gifts out and start wrapping! This year, we suggest putting your own personal touch on the way you choose to present you gifts, because no matter how small or inexpensive the present you have chosen may seem, the time, effort and caring thought you put behind a handmade giftwrap, will make that small prezzie, priceless. Read on to discover some ideas we have prepared for you, so you can add your very own loving DIY element, to the holidays.

Creative Recycling

Use old magazines, newspapers, maps, comics and any other unwanted papers you may have lying around the house, to wrap your gifts in a rustic homemade style which you can polish with a little finesse by simply adding a little ribbon, twine or anything else you can think of.

Fabric Gift Wrapping

Another zero waste idea used frequently in Japan, is fabric wrapping. It will not be hard to find bits of material that you no longer need at home. We all have 1 or 2 old faded t-shirts that we never wear at home for example, or fabric cuttings from clothes of curtains we have shortened, kitchen towels, dishrags or even dustcloths (which you have of course washed well beforehand).  Cut your chosen fabric in a square shape that is large enough to cover your gift. Tie the corners of your material on the top end, or tie it closed with some yarn. If you would like to go that extra mile, you can continue decorating with dried fruits, cinnamon sticks, buttons, beads, shells or other bits and bobs that add a little flamboyance.  

Natural Look

Wrap your gifts in block coloured or Kraft paper, or choose paper boxes or bags, which you can then enjoy decorating with natural “accessories”. Forage for leaves and greenery from your garden, trim the tips of your Christmas tree (if you have a real one), pick flowers or small plants that have dried during winter, collect pinecones, small twigs or anything else you find beautiful. Use these natural (and free) materials to create your own unique composition, which you can either tie or glue to the top of your gift.

Let the Kids Take Over

There is nothing more satisfying for children then creating something out of basically nothing, and you very probably, have loads more things to do before the wrapping begins, so why not ask for some help from your little elves? Lay out a large piece of paper on flat surface and give them everything they need to create their masterpieces. We promise they will not disappoint! Give the, some festive stamps and an ink blotter so they can create their own patterns, or give them complete creative freedom (highly suggested) by making homemade stamps with some… potatoes. Simply cut each potato lengthways and carve out a few 3D stamps. Let your young ones dip their special stamps in various coloured paints and go to town with their designs! You can also just equip them with markers, pastels, crayons, watercolours and other art supplies they enjoy so you can use their Christmas drawings as your family’s very own signature wrapping paper.  

Whatever you decide to do, we hope you have fun with it. Happy Holidays!

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