7 Ways to Protect Yourself from Mosquitoes

08 June 2016
It’s summer, a season rife with mosquitoes! So annoying! Which is why we have found 7 ways that you can protect yourself from these pesky bugs and enjoy your days and nights buzz free!
  1. Mosquitoes need water to breed and fester so be sure to empty or frequently clean all sources of standing water in your home and garden, for e.g. that bowl of water for your pet, drains, garbage and recycling bins, ponds, swimming pools, etc.
  2. Who doesn’t love the scent of aromatic lavender? Mosquitoes don’t! They hate it! So splash a drop of lavender essential oil onto pieces of ribbon and tie them near open windows. Mosquitoes won’t dare to enter your home!
  3. Mix about 30 drops of lavender essential oil with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and rub the mixture well in your skin. Not only will you smell great, the scent of lavender will deter any mosquitoes from landing on you!
  4. In a small bowl, mix vanilla essential oil with a little olive oil.  Place the bowl in the living room, bedroom, etc., and the scent will act as a natural mosquito repellent.
  5. Summer time is barbecue time!  It’s also the time mosquitoes go on attack mode! But there’s a simple trick that you can use to keep those mosquitoes at bay.  Simply throw a few sprigs of rosemary onto your hot coals! The smell will not only add delicious flavour to your food, it will drive mosquitoes away as well! 
  6. Citronella (lemongrass extract) is fabulous in repelling mosquitoes. So simply wash your hands with citronella soap and then rub a few drops of 100% pure citronella oil onto your skin.
  7. Mosquitoes are attracted to dark clothing. To protect yourself, wear light coloured loose fitting clothing that covers your body as much as possible (mosquitoes can bite through tight clothing).  Keep the fabrics light as well so that you remain cool.   


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