Super Kids!

21 February 2020
You will need:
An old bib to trace
50 cm of cotton fabric, colour of your choice
30 cm of different fabric for the logo 
50 cm fabric iron-on adhesive
 2,5 cm velcro 
1.  Use your child's favourite bib as a template for your cape.  Make sure you choose one that fits now. You can adjust the height accordingly.
2.  Trace the neck outline of the bib onto your fabric.  Keep drawing a diagonal line to your desired length.  Cut 2 pieces.
3.  Choose or draw your design onto iron-on adhesive and iron it to your scrap fabric.  Iron your scrap fabric onto the right side of one of your cape pieces.  Top stitch the logo for extra security.  If you want yours to be reversible, then you'll do this step again with the other cape piece.
4.  Place the 2 cape pieces right sides together (logo facing in) and sew all the way around, leaving a small gap (about 8cm) for turning.
5.  Turn the cape inside out, press with a hot iron, and topstitch around the entire cape, closing up your small opening.
6.  Trim the velcro to fit the cape and sew it on.  Try it on your little one and you're done!
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