Tsipnopepmti is all about the Pork Souvla!

02 март 2016
Without doubt, Tsipnopempti is everything to do with the aroma of pork souvla filling the air.  The smell is nothing short of deliciously unreal!
What we need: (for 8 people)
1kg pork souvla
For the marinade:
1 cup dry white wine
½ cup olive oil
1 large onion, chopped
1 red (sweet) pepper in rings
2 sprigs parsley
1 tsp course ground pepper
1 tsp oregano
½ tsp thyme
In a large bowl combine the marinade ingredients: wine and olive oil, finely chopped or grated onion, pepper, parsley and our spices. Mix well.
Place the souvla in a dish and pour the marinade over it.  Place it in the refrigerator overnight so that it can fully absorb the marinade.
Thread the marinated pieces onto metal skewers, wrap them in waxed paper and grill in a 180°C oven for about 1 ½ hours (the time varies depending on the meat!).   
TIP:  if you prefer the more traditional way of cooking, place the souvla on the barbeque and keep basting and turning the meat for the entire cooking time which should take about 40 minutes in total.  
Once ready, squeeze some lemon juice over the meat and it’s ready to eat!
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