5 Deskercises you can do at the office!

20 январь 2017

We know that making it to the gym can sometimes be… a struggle.  We might not always have time or energy to make it for a full workout after an already full day’s worth of work.  However, being that our health and fitness are of upmost priority, there are alternatives we can do, such as exercises around the office! Or as we like to call them, deskercises! So here they are- 5 deskercises for you to try around your office.


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1. Paper pushups


Paper pushups are a great way to do some toning and strengthening for your arms.

Facing your desk, place both hands on the edge of your desk. Next, walk your feet slightly backwards into a 45 degree angle, and then, do a dozen pushups! You will have those toned arms in no time!


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2. Book press


Heavy books have been known to be used as paper weights, height risers, and many other things. But did you know, they can also be used to shape your triceps? That’s right! Try this book press deskercise and have your triceps looking better than ever.

Find the heaviest book around the office. Then, raise it above your head and hold it behind your head and neck, then extend your arms up, and drop them back down to your neck.  Feel the burn!


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3. Chair squats


Although chairs are partially to blame when our lower halves are out of shape, they can also be to thank for getting back into shape by toning our buttox when doing this deskercise- the chair squat.

All you have to do is stand about 15 centimeters in front of your office chair with your back facing the chair. Then, lower your body in front of your chair while keeping your back straight, until your bottom hits the edge of the chair. Once you hit the chair, come back up, and repeat!




4. Desk dips


Another great deskercise for building arm strength and triceps- with your back facing towards your desk, spread your hands about shoulder length from each other, and  keep your legs apart and extended out in front of you. Next, bend your arms while dipping down and then come back up and straighten them to put pressure on your triceps.


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5. Chair leg raisers


This discrete deskercise is great for working out your legs. While being seated at your desk, simply straighten out in front of you one or both of your legs by holding them out in the air. Hold them in place for about five seconds. Then, lower your legs back to the ground without letting your feet touch the floor. Repeat as many times as you would like! The best part--no one has to know you are doing it under your desk!


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