Plants and the Summer Heat…

02 август 2015
We’re not the only ones who tend to suffer in the blistering summer heat our little island is famous for! Follow the below tips to help your plants survive this summer’s sizzling temperatures!
1. Let the water flow like…well, water!
In the summer, our plants need more water than they do during the rest of the year. Especially the plants who spend their lives in pots! A gentle shower on their leaves first thing in the morning will make your leafy companions feel like they are living in Ferngully. Spraying your plants’ leaves during the hottest part of the day should be avoided as it can cause “burns” on your plants’ leaves as the water is heated by the sun. However, watering the roots of your plants is fine anytime of the day.
2. Extra Protection
Cover the dirt around your plants’ stems with a protective layer of dead leaves, manure or pine needles. This extra layer will help to keep the moisture in your plants’ roots and also deter bugs!
3. No Fertilizer Please
Never fertilize your outdoor plants in the summer because in conjunction with the heat, it will stunt their growth. However, you can use a little on indoor plants to help keep them cool.
4. Move em around
Slide your pots over to a shady spot on your balcony or patio. Under the shade of a tree is ideal.
5. Warning!
Pay extra attention to any new plants you may acquire. Plants who’ve lived in your space for a long time have most likely acclimated to the conditions, but newbies need to be eased into the sizzling Cypriot heat!
6. Automatic Watering!
If you’re going out of town and there’s no one who can water your plants for you, get yourself an automatic watering system! They can be very affordable and simplistic! If that’s not a functional solution for you, try that liquid gel which you place in the pots to slowly maintain moisture while you are away. Or you can always move your pots inside by the balcony door or to another cool area where they will be exposed to natural light.
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