Daily ways you can protect Mother Earth

22 апрель 2017
Mother Earth is the only earth we have to call home. And after all of the wonderful things she provides for us, and in all the way she takes care of our needs, it is our responsibility to take care of her as well. As a tribute to one of the more important calendar days of the year, Earth Day, we decided to make a list of ways you can help protect our Earth on a daily basis!
1. Recycle
Recycling should be a no brainer. If you haven’t already, create different waste baskets within your home- one for papers, one for plastics, cardboard, glass, and one for the trash that cannot be recycled. By organizing your waste and bringing it to be recycled on a frequent basis, you are helping the earth tremendously! You should also recycle outside whenever you have the option! 
2. Save Water
Wasting water is something we do way too often, and something that is very avoidable! You can save water every day by cutting back on little things. For example, never leave the water running when you don’t have to, such as when brushing your teeth! Don’t allow the water to run the entire time. Instead, turn on the water only when you need to wet your tooth brush or rinse it off, don’t have it running the entire time you are brushing! 
3. Getting active!
Getting active doesn’t just mean your trips to the gym- but it also means avoiding the use of automobiles when you have the chance to in order to help protect our earth! When you are going somewhere within walking distance, don’t drive! Instead, walk or ride your bike! Avoiding automobiles helps to cut down on the toxins and fuel emissions that fill the air on a daily basis. 
4. Get e-friendly!
Being that we live in such an internet dependent world, getting e-friendly is something that is especially easy to do today, and one we have no excuse not to do! When you can, avoid using paper completely! For example, instead of taking notes on a notepad, take notes on your phone! Or, instead of writing greeting cards to be sent, send e-greets instead! Avoiding paper waste is an excellent way to cut back on the overall waste we contribute yearly.  
5. Have a compost
Food waste is one of the most shameful things we waste overall, and instead of throwing extra food straight into the trash where it will do no good, create a compost! By having a home compost, you avoid your food scraps from filling up in a landfill, and instead, you improve the earth’s soil- helping to produce healthy bacteria within your garden. 
Learn about METRO's ecological awareness here.
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