Coffee so cool it’ll give you the chills!

15 июль 2017
An espresso, a freddo and a cappuccino all in one!? No way!
1-2 scoops espresso
1-2 tsp sugar
65ml fresh cold milk (1½% - 3½%)
35ml cold evaporated milk 
6-7 ice cubes
Cinnamon or cocoa powder (optional)
Put a very small saucepan in the freezer for 30’ so that it freezes well before you use it. Pour the fresh and evaporated milk into the freezing cold saucepan and mix with a small electric hand mixer designed to whip or froth liquids. Whip the milk until it becomes so frothy it takes up twice as much volume as before. Place the milk in the refrigerator and let sit.
Prepare 1-2 cups of espresso coffee in the normal way, depending on how strong you usually drink your freddo. Add however much sugar you desire and then dump in 2-3 ice cubes so the coffee begins to chill.
In a tall skinny espresso freddo glass, dump the rest of the ice cubes and pour in the coffee. Remove the whipped milk from the fridge and every so slowly pour the milk into the coffee glass. Sprinkle cinnamon or cocoa powder on top if desired. 
Note: If you use cream instead of milk you’ll get Espresso Freddo Cappuccino with whipped cream!
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