Protecting Your Pet from the Heat

14 август 2016

The hot weather that we’ve been experiencing this summer is not the best for our dogs, particularly those dogs with long or thick hair! Imagine how they must be suffering!


But it’s not only the length of your dog’s hair that you need to consider, it’s also their sensitive paws when coming into direct contact with the hot ground.  So how do you protect your pet from scorching temperatures? In the following ways:

Walk this way

As we mentioned, your dog’s paws are very sensitive to heat, especially when it comes to the burning asphalt of pavements and roads.  So it’s best to take your dog for a walk either early morning or late at night so as to avoid the burn!


Getting a haircut

If your dog has long hair, now’s the time to give it a haircut! Just be careful to not shave your dog completely, leave about 1.5 cm of fur so as to protect its skin from the sun.


Refreshing water

Make sure your dog has access to fresh cold water at all times, indoors and outdoors! During the day, add ice cubes to the water so that it remains cool!


Let's go swimming

Now that Cyprus has some dog friendly beaches, why not take them for a swim to cool down!  Some beaches to consider are Kasianes (Spyros Beach) in Larnaca, the Karavopetra in Monagrouli, and Prolimnos in Pissouri.


Exercise, what’s exercise?

With temperatures sky rocketing, now is probably not the time to worry about your dog getting too much exercise.  Keep it chilled and relaxed so as to avoid heat fatigue.


Car Matters

Never ever leave the dog in the car in the summer, not even for a few minutes, even with the window slightly open! Temperatures can exceed 40 degrees in a vehicle and this is FATAL! 

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