Making the Perfect Filter Iced Coffee!

07 октябрь 2015
Who doesn’t love an amazingly good aromatic tasty iced coffee?
Especially one with 67% less acidity than some of the other more bitter flavoured iced coffee blends out there! 
Here’s what you’ll need:
9 tablespoons good quality drip coffee.  No rules. The choice of coffee is yours.
9 cups water
1 coffee filter or a cheesecloth
2-3 ice cubes
Milk (optional)
Sugar to taste (optional)
Pour your water into a carafe and to it add your coffee.  Remember, a stronger more aromatic coffee will result in a richer taste!
Cover the carafe with a plate or cheesecloth and leave it to stand overnight (or for at least twelve hours) in a cool space.  This will enable the water to extract all that delicious coffee flavour from the coffee beans.
Next, take the cheesecloth you used to cover the carafe (or a coffee filter) and line it in a fine mesh sieve or colander which you will place over a large pitcher or bowl.
Transfer the liquid coffee extract in the carafe into the large pitcher (or bowl) by pouring it through the sieve.  You will be left with a filtered out cold brew coffee concentrate that’s packed with rich, full, intense flavour – and without the bitterness or acidity that often comes with boiling coffee in hot water.
To serve:
Pour 1 part coffee concentrate (approximately two fingers) into a glass with 2-3 ice cubes and add water and/or milk.  
If you’re craving some extra sweetness, add some sugar to taste.
Metro has a variety of coffee blends for you to choose from – all year round!


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