How Can I Make a Difference?

09 июль 2014

There are tons of ways, both large and small, that we can lessen our impact on the environment. One small way is to recycle of course! Recycling doesn’t have to be a chore. It can be fun! Each time you recycle something, whether it be empty food or drink containers, cardboard boxes, junk mail, newspapers, or loose paper, you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It’s great to be able to say, “I did something to help the environment today!” Here are some other easy ways to lessen your impact on the environment.

  • Every time you go shopping, use the earth friendly METRO Bag instead of disposable plastic bags. If you must use a plastic bag, at least choose ones made of recycled polyethylene, which are available at our stores.
  • When using the Internet, only print the documents you really need a hard copy of. Keep all others in electronic form.
  • All paper has two sides; use them both!
  • Buy local, like we do, instead of foreign.
  • Be a discerning consumer and purchase items with recyclable packaging or little to no packaging at all!
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