
29 сентябрь 2015
Signs of Bullying, and How to Handle It
Bullying is a very real issue, which “terrorizes” kids and parents in schools across the globe. This phenomenon often leads to teenage delinquency, and it’s on the rise. Bullying is a type of abuse, which can comprise verbal, psychological and physical intimidation. Nowadays it’s even taking place on the Internet! Bullying usually occurs among same age children inside the school setting, when adult supervision is lacking, such as in the hallways between classes, in the school yard, the bathroom or in the classroom before the lesson begins.
Signs a child may be a victim of bullying:
  • child becomes unexplainably aggressive and imitates the bullying he/she is experiencing on siblings
  • child withdraws into his/herself, avoids or delays going to school, skips class
  • a drop in academic performance
  • child returns home with ripped clothing or marks on his/her body
  • child asks for additional money from parents or looses items at school
  • child has nightmares or develops phobias
It is interesting to consider the other side of a bullying situation: the side of the bully. Quite often the bully’s parents make excuses for their child’s behavior by saying the child is just responding to the harassment of their peers, thereby making the child out to be the victim. Or they encourage their child to be excessively dominant, misconstruing intimidation for assertiveness. This phenomenon is especially prevalent, in the ever-competitive American culture, where parents often unwittingly encourage their kids to become bullies due to cultural idiosyncrasies. 
It is crucial that as parents, if we suspect that our child could be a victim of bullying, that we inform the school administration and the child’s teacher. 
A parent-teacher conference is the first step to pulling the plug on a bullying situation. Seeing a therapist is also crucial if the child is reacting strongly to the bullying. 
Always keep a close eye on your kids, and try to cultivate a close and trusting relationship with them, one where they can feel safe to open up, one free of judgment so that you can guide them with love in the right direction.
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