Bite the Beet!

02 сентябрь 2014

A delicious accompaniment to your favorite summer dish, which will leave you feeling refreshed and cool.



500g beets, pre-boiled (you’ll find them in our produce department)

2/3 cup walnuts

1/3 cup parsley



For the Sauce

250g Greek yogurt

150g mayonnaise

3 cloves of garlic

olive oil

salt & pepper



Begin with the sauce. Mash the garlic to a pulp with a food processor or blender, then set aside. Put the yogurt, mayonnaise and oil into a large bowl and stir vigorously. Add salt and pepper to taste and then add the garlic. Mix. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate.

Rinse and chop the beets into cubes. Place into a salad bowl. Sprinkle on the parsley and walnuts. Mix well. Then add the sauce. Mix thoroughly and then refrigerate. Serve chilled.  

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