Apple Pancakes Topped with Caramelized Apples

06 сентябрь 2015
Doubly delicious decadence for a romantic Sunday breakfast!
Ingredients: (makes 12 pancakes)
100g sugar
100ml water
3 apples
200g flour
1 tbsp baking powder
1 tbsp sugar
2 eggs, whipped
300ml milk
butter for frying
for serving (optional):
100g yogurt
In a pot, over a medium flame, dissolve the sugar in the water, stirring with a wooden spoon, until it turns into a smooth, clear syrup. Peel two of the apples and cut them into slices, making sure to remove the seeds. Add the two apples to the syrup and let boil for 20 minutes, until the syrup achieves a nice golden color. Then set aside.
Pour the flour, baking powder and the 1 tbsp sugar into your mixing bowl. Mix these dry ingredients a bit, then make a hole in the center of the mixture with your hands or a spoon. Whip the eggs in a separate bowl with a whisk or a hand mixer, and pour the whipped egg into the hole. Mix the flour inwards towards the eggs while slowly adding the milk. Mix until fully united. 
Finely chop the third apple into very small pieces. Alternatively, you can grate it. Stir the apple into the mixture and mix loosely. This is your batter.
Add a square of butter to a non-stick frying pan and warm it to a medium heat. Using a big spoon, dole out the batter into the pan, making two or three pancakes. Fry them on both sides until they are golden brown, using a spatula to carefully flip them without breaking them. When they are done, put them on a plate and cover them with a dishtowel or paper towels to keep them warm until you serve them.
Serve the pancakes by pouring the apple syrup over them and with a hefty dollop of yogurt on top to cut the sweetness.
When mixing the pancake batter, don’t over do it. Mix just until it’s fully mixed and there are no lumps.
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